International Women’s Day 2025
Looking for a female speaker for your International Women’s Day 2025 event?
The 2025 theme is ‘Accelerate Action’ to help move everyone toward gender equality. According to the World Economic Forum, if we maintain the current rate of progress, it will take another 134 years (roughly five generations from now) to reach full gender parity in 2158.
This is way too long.
Dr Sarah Whyte offers two interactive talks to support the ‘Accelerate Action’ theme. This theme highlights the urgency of addressing systemic barriers and biases women face in their personal and professional lives. It encourages us all to work together to take swift, decisive steps to create meaningful change.
By joining forces to #AccelerateAction, we can take action to speed up the progress towards gender equality which will lead to a better future for all.
Dr Sarah Whyte offers two options for your IWD 2025 event:
Emotional Equity to #AccelerateAction
Lighten the Mental Load to #AccelerateAction
Scroll down for a short video and more information on each topic, or go ahead and click the button to book your date today.
Emotional Equity to #AccelerateAction
Dr Sarah Whyte’s most popular option for International Women’s Day. This interactive talk can be delivered in-person, in a hybrid format or fully online.
The Problem:
Gender stereotypes of emotion are invisible and insidious.
They result in us making inaccurate and harmful assumptions about the emotions expressed by men and women, which often leads to unconscious bias.
Gender stereotypes of emotion have also been shown to adversely impact women in leadership positions, including getting those positions in the first place and succeeding in those positions once they have them.
Talk Outcomes:
1. Increase awareness around gender stereotypes of emotion.
2. Consider and challenge assumptions around emotions at work.
3. Set an intention to work toward emotional equity to accelerate action.
Lighten the Mental Load to #AccelerateAction
Dr Sarah Whyte’s newest option for International Women’s Day. This interactive talk can be delivered in-person, in a hybrid format or fully online.
The Mental Load means "preparing, organising and anticipating everything, emotional and practical, that needs to get done to make life flow”
The Problem:
Women take on a disproportionate share of household chores, performing far more cognitive and emotional labour than men. As a result, mothers are more tired, more stressed and less happy than fathers. And when women are overstretched at home, many feel they can’t physically or mentally put in the hours demanded by many workplaces, which may partially explain why the gender pay gap continues to widen.
Talk Outcomes:
1. Discover a definition of the mental load or invisible work
2. Understand the adverse impact of the mental load for women
3. Practical tips for everyone to better share the mental load